Dancing universe in Zounohana terrace
Photo: Yasuhiro Chida
Zou no hana terrace/Kanagawa, Japan
Mirror, Sun
Variable size
The number “2” appears on the ceiling at 2 o’clock, and “3” at 3 o’clock. This work is a clock of light created by reflections of sunlight. <D.W>
2 時には天井に「2」の数字が、3時には「3」が現れる。太陽光の反射光が描く光の時計。
Dancing universe in gallery camellia
Photo: Yasuhiro Chida
gellary camellia/Tokyo, Japan
Mirror, Sun
W: 100 x D: 100 x H: 10
Dancing universe
Photo: Yasuhiro Chida
Zou no hana terrace/Kanagawa, Japan
Mirror, Sun
W: 300 x D: 300 x H: 10